Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
A Oficina
Centro Cultural Vila Flor
Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães
1. Casa da Memória de Guimarães
Centro de Criação de Candoso
Teatro Oficina
Educação e Mediação Cultural
Centro Cultural Vila Flor
A Oficina
Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães
1. Casa da Memória de Guimarães
Centro de Criação de Candoso
Teatro Oficina
Educação e Mediação Cultural
2. Loja Oficina
2020.02.07 | GUIdance 2020 Mantero Uliel Saldanha Esplendor e Dismorfia
Small Auditorium


Vera Mantero e Jonathan Uliel Saldanha
Splendour and Dysmorphia
GUIdance 2020

The Festival d’Avignon hosted the world première of Vera Mantero’s most recent work and GUIdance will host the Portuguese premiere. Mantero is the featured choreographer in the celebrations of the festival's 10th edition - in collaboration with the sound and set designer, Jonathan Uliel Saldanha.

Splendour and Dysmorphia is a hybrid recital for two landscape-bodies, animated by breathing. An agglomeration that destroys and enlarges, disaster and anti-disaster, in which acceleration, fungi and the voice survive. Invisible splendours. Hyper-future and hyper-past. Between dysmorphia, sun and flesh.

Subscription 5 shows
30,00 eur


Subscription 3 shows
20,00 eur


7,50 eur / 5,00 eur c/d


National Premiere

Creation and performance

Vera Mantero e Jonathan Uliel Saldanha

Set and Props

Vera Mantero e Jonathan Uliel Saldanha

Mask Construction

Aldina Jesus

Light design

Leticia Skrycky


Jonathan Uliel Saldanha


Vera Mantero


Paisagem com Argonauta de Heiner Müller, translation by Regina Guimarães; excerpts de Le monstre dans l’Art occidental de Gilbert Lascault. © édition Klincksieck, Paris


Joos van Craesbeeck e Erbe, Pooley: USDA, ARS, EMU


O Rumo do Fumo


SACD - Festival d'Avignon e Centro Cultural Vila Flor

Commissioned by

SACD - Festival d’Avignon, no âmbito do Vive Le Sujet!


André Guedes, Catarina Miranda, Miguel Pereira e Tiago Barbosa

O Rumo do Fumo is financed by the Portuguese Republic | Culture | Arts DG

40 min. approx.

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